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Goodbye, 2019: Ariel Adkins

Ariel Adkins is a designer and art lover who creates one-of-a-kind garments inspired by art. The creator of Artfully Awear, a movement dovetailing art and clothing, Ariel produces garments inspired by artwork from all different genres, mediums, and eras, all over the world.

While I may not be the most fashion-conscious person in the world, Ariel's designs are so easy to fall in love with. One day, I too shall wear an artsy outfit designed by her. Till that day comes, here's a quick interview with the New York-based designer:

The nicest thing you did for someone in 2019?

I coordinated a blanket drive for the International Rescue Committee, which just concluded on Wednesday. I collected funds to donate 121 blankets that will go to victims of natural disasters and violence, and will help to comfort those in extreme loss situations. 

The book that helped you the most in 2019?

Nonfiction: Sponsorship by Ryan McGinness. The book consists of interviews with various artists about how they’ve worked with brands but still sustained autonomy with their work. I found it very helpful as a guide to navigating commissions or sponsored work.

Fiction: Patsy by Nicole Dennis-Benn. It’s the story of a woman who emigrates from Jamaica to Brooklyn, and the narrative of her life from her own perspective. It was extremely eye-opening to me regarding the immigrant experience, gender roles, and “the American dream”. The story has stayed with me for months.


The song you heard on loop this year?

The film/TV show you fell head over heels in love with?

I’m not a big TV person, but I was excited for the new season of The Crown, especially because of the additions of Olivia Colman and Helena Bonham Carter. 

Ariel channeling her inner Vasily Kandinsky, Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet

Your biggest accomplishment this year?

My work was featured in Vogue and The New York Times (in print!). I also had my first Artfully Awear fashion show at Twitter. (Photos below)

Your big 2019 lesson/takeaway?

I had a surgery earlier this year that took me completely out of commission for several weeks. It was an important experience for me, because it forced me to slow down and become introspective, which I have a hard time doing. It also allowed me to build up empathy and explore thoughts and writings that I’d put off for a long time. 

Who are you creative crushin’ on lately?

It’s more of a long-term crush (not just lately) but I’m a huge fan of Bisa Butler’s work. Her use of textiles to convey a sense of space combined with subject matter related to representation are 🤯.

A recent epiphany you've had?

Whenever I have free time, I tend to fill it up with social activities or travel, when sometimes, the thing I most need is down time for reflection and decompression. 

What’s your number one bucket list item for 2020?

I’m working on several commissions in early 2020 that I’m very excited about! My bucket list item for 2020 is to find a new art studio - I’ve been looking for months and haven’t found the right space. Send good vibes!!

Rate 2019 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Totally Sucked


Sending good vibes, Ariel. Happy 2020!

If you want to dress like a masterpiece or just feel awestruck, head to Ariel Adkins' page and follow her amazing work!

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