Thus spring begins: old stupidities repeated, new errs invented
~ Issa
I'm really hopeful
that's why I keep
your initials as my
password, your name
like the rhythm of rain
or spring's pollen
fallen a little skewed on
our skin -- wouldn't hackers even fail on this algorithm?
I told you I'm clumsy
instead of biting
your lip (our man Vatsayana
said, get the lower one!)
during that moment
when we swap positions
I snip your nose and you
cannot squirm
for someone's in
the room and might be
listening -- revenge, I whisper, for that bite on mine
It's dark in the room
and I'm shameless
instead of looking
for the light switch, my
my hands press
and awaken you
light only light
running through the veins
the white walls -- drapes over, wait for daylight soon
Of course I'm in love
but I don't know
what love means
is it as good
as a warm shower, morning
swim, getting lost,
walking barefoot on grass?
yet every time I love
I know what it
means -- another spring
a new round of follies
imagining someone
in front of me -- your face, chin hair, dark cocoa of the skin